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General Co-op Information


What other Resources are offered other than Community Day?


We are a start up ministry, which means our Resources are going to continue to build.

Bend offers classes on Friday Afternoons and sometimes on Mondays.

Redmond offeres classes Wednesdays.

Another great resource we are offering is a membership to have a family Mentor.  This mentor can help from reading needs with little ones or transcropt needs for your highschoolers.  Our Mentor is a trained teacher and has years working with families.

We will be offering Workshops throughout the year.  A few ideas are a Homeschooling 101 class.  We would have veteren Homeschooler moms come and help out those just starting out or those that would like to gleen from those who have been there and done that.

Support.  Mainly we would like to offer support to our community.  Please, email let us know what you need in your homeschool to feel successful.


What does a normal co-op day look like?


Start time is 9:00 am - Morning Fellowship

 9:15am - meet in the Chapel for Worship, prayer, and announcements. (Our worship is led by the students.  If your child wants to sing or play an instrument please let us know)

9:40am - 10:40 Class time

10:40am - 11:00 Passing time - Snack

11:00 am - 12:00  Class time

12:00 pm - Lunch

This schedule is flexible - remember we are here for Friendship, Fellowship, and Fun.




Do you provide any other activities and events besides classes? Who is in charge of arranging these activities?


YES! We have a community board that members can post activities.  We hope students will stay for Lunch and have community outside classes.  The coordinating team will plan events and members are welcome.  We hope to have theater productions, playdates, field trips and more.

Membership and Fees


What is required for family membership in Uplift Central Oregon?


You must be a home-based schooling family. This could mean you either homeschool on your own or as a charter school member; you will find both types of members of our group! All members are expected to actively participate in the cooperative.


What are the costs associated with being a member?


Uplift Membership is $40 yearly
This includes the option to join community day at any location, take Resource center classes at any location and be a part of a connective community.

Community Day is an 8 week cohort offered in Bend, Redmond and Prineville.
Community day is $50 per term per family

Resource classes are paid directly to the teachers.  Cost may vary depending on what the teacher charges.  Each term we offer different classes depending on the need and desire of the community - Classes will be posted roughly a month prior to start date.



What about that planned vacation we have scheduled? Will it disqualify me from membership if I miss a week or two?


We understand that some planned absences will be unavoidable. We ask that you not have more than 2 planned absences per session. If you are gone but your children can attend, you may send them with another responsible adult who can take your place and this will not be counted as an absence against you. Of course, illness is unplanned and we do not want sick children (or adults) to attend co-op and infect everyone else! If you have any other questions on our sick policy, please see our membership guidelines and/or contact a coordinator for assistance.


What about my baby/toddler? Is there child care available for my children too young for classes?


We are a FAMILY co-op. We understand that homeschooling is a family undertaking and members may have small children and/or babies! We have a nursery available for babies and/or toddlers up to age 3 1/2. We have member moms or highschoolers assigned to this room as their "helper" role. If you wish to stay with your infant or toddler, you may request to be assigned to this room for any or all class block periods.. Babies may be worn in classrooms if you prefer to be a classroom helper or teacher.


Can I visit before requesting membership?


Absolutely!! We would love to have you come check us out. Please use the "contact" link at the top of the page to email the coordinators and schedule a Friday to visit us.



Am I required to teach a class?


If you are joining a community day you are required to either teach or assist.  Keeping in mind if everyone wants to assist, we will have no teachers!  We perfer doing a rotation - teaching one session and assisting the next.

Resource classes are taught by community members and parents may drop of their children 10 and over.



Do I have to commit to teaching for the full year? Can I just teach once session?




Can I co-teach with another mom or dad?


Yes, more comminity the better.


Help! I want to teach, but I don't know what I would offer!


If you have a desire to pour into our children but can not think of what type of class you can do, please brainstorm with us.  We are happy to help and assist in finding a class idea that you are passionate about and can have fun doing.