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Christine Patrick To All Instructors

Christine Patrick has 20 years of experience in the healthcare field as a dental hygienist. She received her Masters in education in 2013, and her bachelors in science in 2003. She originally started her career in the sciences as an EMT basic with an Associates in Biology from COCC. 

Christine has three years of experience teaching human anatomy and physiology at the college level. 

In addition, she has taught Natural Childbirth classes for the last 19 years. Christine’s love for teaching is evident in the  passion she brings into the classroom. Students can expect an interactive class with storytelling, hands-on activities and open dialogue. 

Email: [email protected]

Current Classes
High School Health – (closed)
High School Human Anatomy and Physiology – (closed)
H.S. Human Anatomy and Physiology – (closed)
Middle School Health – (closed)